Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time to let go?

All stories have an expiry date.

If we hold on to them after that date, it pollutes this precious moment of new life. Kind of like milk. With the big difference it is your life that turns sour.   

May we all have the courage to let go of the victim stories we think or feel entitled to... 

ps 21 March is Human Rights Day in South-Africa. 

Renier can be contacted at  /  

Questions for reflection:
  • Any area in your life where you consider yourself as a victim?
  • Do you think or feel entitled to being a victim?
  • If yes what is the cost of holding on to this victim story?
  • What is standing between you and letting go of this story?
  • What decision can you make right now in taking responsibility for your life irrespective of what happened? 

To consider:  What if you won't lose anything of your authentic self by letting go? 
                        What if freedom awaits you on the other side?