Thursday, August 23, 2012

Follow me...

My favourite childhood ritual...
We are people of ritual.  We have this drive to celebrate the important moments in our lives. Like the birth of a child, a coming of age, a wedding, the death of a mother-in-law and other enjoyable life altering events.
Thousands of years ago in the Ancient Near East when people had an encounter with God or an Angel they built an altar or slaughtered a lamb or a combination of other weird acts (and yes I acknowledge it made sense to them within their cultural and mythical worldview). After a real significant encounter the mortal’s name was also changed: Abram became Abraham. Jacob became Israel.
My landlord and body corporate is not that keen on me building an altar on the lawn. Neither is slaughtering a lamb on the driveway such a pleasant idea to all my fellow neighbours (and neither to me). And what a nuisance to get your name changed at the Department of Home Affairs and then all the follow up paper work to banks, etc. No thank you! My point? What do I do as someone living in 2012 to celebrate the remarkable shifts in my life?
Thank you Internet! Yeah I change something online! It’s the easy alternative to altar building.  I tweak a paragraph or a word on a website. I write a blog post. I change my FB profile pic or banner (or post something extra silly or remarkble). Or worst case scenario I grab a white piece of paper and scribble a few words or phrases of inspiration. The bigger the shift, the bigger the online tweak. And sometimes a new awareness cannot be contained in the old form (and by the way that pretty much sums up the evolution of all religions and our understanding of God and life over the ages to this very moment). Then it is time to create something completely new. Didn’t Jesus share something about not pouring new wine into old wine skins?
Now really what is my point?
I want you to know I created a new Twitter account:
“I believe in the power of Love, mindfulness and giving yourself permission... #SpiritualCounsellor #LifeCoach #Enneagram"
I can’t claim that God changed my Twitter name, but I most certainly felt inspired. I also peeped through the window incase a ram appeared among the lavender before pressing enter and sacrificing that online spot forever. It’s a new name that embodies something of the Essence that is within me and what I share with my clients: 
An Angora ram did appear out of the blue!
Out of nowhere in the bistro at
 Meerendal Wine Estate...
Guilt Clearer, Permission Granter, Gentle Healer, Way Finder, Soul Carer, Wholehearted Explorer, Bridge Builder, Considerate Helper, Fear Liberator, Peace-Maker, Freedom Fighter, Equality Establisher, Compassionate Listener, Vulnerable Warrior, Paradox Embracer, Diversity Enabler, Dogma Reformer, Conscious Observer...

It's a mixture of counselling and coaching drawing from my qualifications, personality and real life journey.
And like all journeys of faith even I have no idea how this will unfold. That is not in my hands (thank God!). It’s about showing up as honestly and authentically as I can and living moment by moment. Following the inspiration that comes to me. Living wholeheartedly, naked and raw (and also in a literal way this coming summer on a beautiful beach)... Embracing the unknown while staying connected to the Meaning and Purpose of my life and our lives...
Follow me...
ps We all know how late at night one thing can lead to another. This was no exception! Inspiration and I couldn’t just stay downstairs blogging but had to take it upstairs to the fresh linen of a new web domain and email address: &